Saturday, 26 November 2016

Deload Training!

           Simple, a Deload is a short planned period of recovery. You take your training slightly lighter, maybe workout a little less, and generally just ease things back.
How often you do so depends on your training age, strength levels and injury history. To keep things simple let’s assume everyone is following the three to one rule. /3 weeks harder, 1 week deloading/.
Or i recommend /depends of yot goal/ to do 2 weeks harder and 1 week deloading. You will ask why.
Because our life is busy, so train smart and think more about what actually your body needs!
 How to deload properly?

Just learning how to plan ‘light’ weeks or listening to your body and taking weight off the bar some weeks will go a long way towards preventing fatigue & overtraining from killing your progress.
  • Decrease the number of sets for each exercise
  • Use lighter weight for each exercise
  • Decrease the reps
  • Increase the rest periods
  • Decrease the number of training days/week
  • Decrease the time under tension 
Some other things to focus on during reload period

  1.  Have a fun workout. If you are one of those people who always train by the book and follow a periodized program, find something outside your comfort zone to do.
  2. Eat, sleep and recover! This is not the time to let your other efforts unwind and perhaps the best thing to help you recover is to, well, recover. Eating better and working on your nutrition plan will go a long way towards helping you succeed in the future!  
Can I Skip the Deload?
In a word - no. In the long run though, deloading is without a doubt the smart thing to do.

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