Sunday 9 October 2016

"Fake" hunger! Use your "Emergency Call" :3

Did you know that ‘mind hunger’ is a real thing? It’s the feeling you get when you experience the emotion you’ve been fixing with food. Think about it for a second, you probably experience it and don’t even know it. If you eat at work when you’re stressed, you might find yourself feeling hungry and visiting the vending machine during a particular difficult day. You aren’t actually hungry, you’ve just trained your brain to tell you to eat under a certain set of conditions.

1. Slow down and chew each bite.
Studies indicate that overweight people chew their food less and eat more rapidly than slender people.Slow down, take smaller bites.Chewing your food more frequently can actually help suppress your hunger hormone, ghrelin, and increase your appetite-suppressing hormone, cholecystokinin.

2. Sleep enough and lose weight.
Sleep is essential to weight loss.While our sleep requirements are all different, 7-9 hours of sleep a night should be enough to keep you from consuming up to 300 extra calories the next day!

3. Drink water.
Sometimes when we feel hungry, we are actually thirsty. So if you feel a craving, grab a glass of water before you reach for some food. If you aren’t a fan of water, try adding a lemon slice..or make your favorite tee. : )

4. Don`t go for shopping when you are hungry.
Yes it`s right! Because when you are hungry, you will take a lot of food or junk food! Actually you don`t need it but....

5. Emergency Call. :D
This is the funniest part but it`s very good and motivate at the same time! : )
Call to those people you trust and to whom you are accountable. Call, text, email any or all of them. Do whatever it takes for you to get that encouragement when you need it most.
Your best friend, your training partner, your Personal Trainer or.... why not ME!!!! :P

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