Sunday, 18 September 2016

How To Make Exercise A Habit

We all know we have to move our bodies more. So many of the health problems afflicting modern generations can be cured, or at least alleviated, by eating better and exercising more.
We all have a friend or friends, who love their gym sessions! They are fit, happy and they make time for their healthy habits every single day! But for the most of people, it was something they had to stick with and create a habit! So, how do you create a habit out of something you don’t immediately enjoy?

First, identify what is standing in your way 

You cannot solve a problem without first identify what is it. Start to ask  yourself !
Is it boring? Is it commitment? Why am i do it?
Just be as honest as possible!

Second, look into possible solutions.

Now that you’ve identified the barriers to your workouts, it is time to start finding solutions to those barriers. If you are concerned about the time commitment, the cost, the tediousness of it all, for example, try shifting your focus. Doing something as simple as taking a long walk after dinner could be a great start. It is moving your body, and it is free. Just commit to doing a little at a time. Nothing will change, if nothing changes. Some days you may not want to workout but if you remember that you always feel better after you do, you’ll be more likely to just do it. If you can remember those gains, you’ll be ahead of your own negative chatter. Let’s be honest, making exercise a habit may not be easy but you know it is the right thing.


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