Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Deload Training!
Simple, a Deload is a short planned period of recovery. You take your training slightly lighter, maybe workout a little less, and generally just ease things back.
How often you do so depends on your training age, strength levels and injury history. To keep things simple let’s assume everyone is following the three to one rule. /3 weeks harder, 1 week deloading/.
Or i recommend /depends of yot goal/ to do 2 weeks harder and 1 week deloading. You will ask why.
Because our life is busy, so train smart and think more about what actually your body needs!
How to deload properly?
Just learning how to plan ‘light’ weeks or listening to your body and taking weight off the bar some weeks will go a long way towards preventing fatigue & overtraining from killing your progress.
- Decrease the number of sets for each exercise
- Use lighter weight for each exercise
- Decrease the reps
- Increase the rest periods
- Decrease the number of training days/week
- Decrease the time under tension
Some other things to focus on during reload period
- Have a fun workout. If you are one of those people who always train by the book and follow a periodized program, find something outside your comfort zone to do.
- Eat, sleep and recover! This is not the time to let your other efforts unwind and perhaps the best thing to help you recover is to, well, recover. Eating better and working on your nutrition plan will go a long way towards helping you succeed in the future!
Can I Skip the Deload?
In a word - no. In the long run though, deloading is without a doubt the smart thing to do.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Plyometric Exercise! You will ❤ it!!!! :)
The Plyometric training increases the amount of force you can produce and therefore plyometrics are effective in making you more explosive. This leads to improved sports performance, a higher vertical leap, and faster sprinting times. A study proved that lifting weights (squatting) in addition to plyometrics caused the greatest increases in vertical jump height.
Effect Of Squats & Plyometrics On Vertical Jump:
- Only Squats - 3.30 cm vertical jump increase
- Only Plyometrics - 3.81 cm vertical jump increase
- Squats + Plyometrics - 10.67 cm vertical jump increase
Plyometrics improve reactive strength by utilizing the Strength-Shortening Cycle (SSC) in order to create maximal power output. Plyometrics are based on the principle that the SSC can create much more
power than a normal muscle contraction because the muscles are able to
store the tension from the stretch for a short period of time - causing
the muscle to react like a rubber band. The greatest force can be
achieved when the stretch is performed as fast as possible. Actually, when you first begin with plyometrics, your body tends to
create more slow-twitch muscle fibers in response to the new training
stimulus. However, when you deload (decrease the volume) or stop
training for a week or two, then the results are simply incredible as
more and more fibers become fast-twitch than there were before.
Plyometrics + weights programs that will improve your sports
Plyometric Cardio Circle - full body challenge and beautiful muscles
Some good exercises:
- Front bench/box jump
- Lateral bench/box jump
- Broad jump
- Skater jump
- Scissor jump
- Dot Drill /one leg or both/
- Lateral Box Shuffles
- Barbell/dumbbells vertical jumps
- Burpees with BOSU ball
- High jump
For more information just ask me! ❤
Don`t compromise your form!
Cardio exercise is any exercise that raises your heart rate. Face it our
bodies were made to move. And we all know that to keep our muscles in
shape we need move them. This movement makes them stronger and stronger
muscles make for a more efficient and healthy body. Your heart is a
Cardio exercise uses large muscle movement over a sustained period of time keeping your heart rate to at least 50% of its maximum level.
Cardio exercise uses large muscle movement over a sustained period of time keeping your heart rate to at least 50% of its maximum level.
The Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical
activity most days of the week. Cardio exercises will burn fat. Weight
loss comes from burning more calories than you take in. Even when you
see no specific weight loss you are getting great benefits from a cardio
1. Improved Heart Health!
Your heart is a muscle just like any other and in order for it to become
strong it must be worked. If you fail to work it, it will weaken over
time and this can cause a variety of negative health effects.
2. Increased Metabolism!
Intense interval sprints (also known as HIIT) increase the metabolism; the highest with a process called EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption).
3. Improved Hormonal Profile!
It releases 'feel good' hormones that will help ease symptoms of depression and fatigue as well as releasing hormones that decrease the appetite.
4. Improved Recovery Ability!
Certain types of cardio exercise, usually lower, more moderately paced forms, can decrease your recovery time too. This will help to reduce your DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness)
and help bring more oxygen rich blood to the muscle tissue improving in
the repair and rebuilding process.
5. Management of Diabetes!
By performing the exercise you will increase your muscle's ability to utilize glucose. Those who exercise regularly tend to have better control of their blood
sugars and do not see as many blood sugar swings as those who don't.
6. Makes you feel happy and confident!
30 min of your day! Just do it!
Monday, 21 November 2016
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
I ❤ My Abs!
Taking it further, abs aren’t made in the gym; they’re made in the
kitchen. Everyone has abdominal muscles, it’s just some of us have our’s
covered by a layer of fat.
People who have fat covering their abs need to remove it. Now, there are two ways of removing the fat. First: intensive cardio. The cardio you do will burn the fat and define your abdominal muscles. Second: eat right. You will eat food that raises your metabolism, and doing so will burn fat even while you’re sitting.
Burn Fats
Different foods have different thermogenic levels. Some foods with high thermogenic levels are:
Some foods and beverages that will boost your metabolism and help you burn fat:
People who have fat covering their abs need to remove it. Now, there are two ways of removing the fat. First: intensive cardio. The cardio you do will burn the fat and define your abdominal muscles. Second: eat right. You will eat food that raises your metabolism, and doing so will burn fat even while you’re sitting.
Burn Fats
Different foods have different thermogenic levels. Some foods with high thermogenic levels are:
- Broccoli
- Almonds
- Soy
- Cinnamon
- Cheddar
- Mushrooms
- Sweet potatoes
- Apples
Some foods and beverages that will boost your metabolism and help you burn fat:
- Green tea – contains molecules called catechins, which have thermogenic properties and improve metabolism.
- Chilli peppers – a great source of capsaicin, which helps to ramp up your metabolism.
- Blueberries – help to inhibit the formation of new fat cells by altering lipid metabolism.
- Grapefruit – contains chemicals which reduce insulin levels, which in turn can cause increased metabolism.
Eat Protein to Burn Fat
Protein has the highest thermogenic levels of any macronutrient.
Here are some of the best sources of protein:- Chicken
- Lamb
- Duck
- Turkey
- Beef
Don’t Stress
If you’re someone who is easily stressed, then you’re under the risk of high cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone which leads to fat storage in the abdominal section which in turn covers your abs with a thick layer of fat.
Some foods that help in cortisol level maintenance:- Milk helps you lose body fat and build muscle.
- Oats are rich in carbohydrates which boost serotonin levels in the brain and create a calming effect.
- Oranges contain high levels of vitamin C which can help to reduce levels of stress hormones in the blood.
- Walnuts are high in fibre, antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids all of which can help to lower blood pressure and stress.
- Salmon is a great source of magnesium which helps to control cortisol levels.
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Sunday, 9 October 2016
"Fake" hunger! Use your "Emergency Call" :3
Did you know that ‘mind hunger’ is a real thing? It’s the feeling you get when you experience the emotion you’ve been fixing with food. Think about it for a second, you probably experience it and don’t even know it. If you eat at work when you’re stressed, you might find yourself feeling hungry and visiting the vending machine during a particular difficult day. You aren’t actually hungry, you’ve just trained your brain to tell you to eat under a certain set of conditions.
1. Slow down and chew each bite.
Studies indicate that overweight people chew their food less and eat more rapidly than slender people.Slow down, take smaller bites.Chewing your food more frequently can actually help suppress your hunger hormone, ghrelin, and increase your appetite-suppressing hormone, cholecystokinin.
2. Sleep enough and lose weight.
Sleep is essential to weight loss.While our sleep requirements are all different, 7-9 hours of sleep a night should be enough to keep you from consuming up to 300 extra calories the next day!
3. Drink water.
Sometimes when we feel hungry, we are actually thirsty. So if you feel a craving, grab a glass of water before you reach for some food. If you aren’t a fan of water, try adding a lemon slice..or make your favorite tee. : )
4. Don`t go for shopping when you are hungry.
Yes it`s right! Because when you are hungry, you will take a lot of food or junk food! Actually you don`t need it but....
5. Emergency Call. :D
This is the funniest part but it`s very good and motivate at the same time! : )
Call to those people you trust and to whom you are accountable. Call, text, email any or all of them. Do whatever it takes for you to get that encouragement when you need it most.
Your best friend, your training partner, your Personal Trainer or.... why not ME!!!! :P
1. Slow down and chew each bite.
Studies indicate that overweight people chew their food less and eat more rapidly than slender people.Slow down, take smaller bites.Chewing your food more frequently can actually help suppress your hunger hormone, ghrelin, and increase your appetite-suppressing hormone, cholecystokinin.
2. Sleep enough and lose weight.
Sleep is essential to weight loss.While our sleep requirements are all different, 7-9 hours of sleep a night should be enough to keep you from consuming up to 300 extra calories the next day!
3. Drink water.
Sometimes when we feel hungry, we are actually thirsty. So if you feel a craving, grab a glass of water before you reach for some food. If you aren’t a fan of water, try adding a lemon slice..or make your favorite tee. : )
4. Don`t go for shopping when you are hungry.
Yes it`s right! Because when you are hungry, you will take a lot of food or junk food! Actually you don`t need it but....
5. Emergency Call. :D
This is the funniest part but it`s very good and motivate at the same time! : )
Call to those people you trust and to whom you are accountable. Call, text, email any or all of them. Do whatever it takes for you to get that encouragement when you need it most.
Your best friend, your training partner, your Personal Trainer or.... why not ME!!!! :P
Saturday, 8 October 2016
Friday, 7 October 2016
Sunday, 2 October 2016
Tone Stomach?! Try this!
1. Side pulses
Intermediate: 10 – 12 reps
Advanced: 15 – 20 reps
Beginner: 8 – 10 reps
Advanced: 15 – 20 reps
Start with smile!
4 tips to get mentally prepared for workout
1. Focus your mind on what is currently happening. It helps to focus on and isolate particular muscle groups to get the most out of each and every rep. Mindful meditation is usually practiced while sitting and remaining still. It is combination of deep breathing, relaxation and focused attetion on the present moment. It won`t be easy at first. But the brain is a muscle that can be trained just like any other.
2. Find your reason to get fit.
Motivation is the key to making any life change. Whether it is running a marathon or fitting into that little black dress, it is important to identify why it is you want to make a change.
3. Focus on you and you alone.
Be selfish Don`t listen to people who try to steer you off.
4. No matter what, never give up!
When thing need to be prioritized, fitness can sometimes take a back seat. It`s okay to miss a workout once in a while when something major comes up. But when you aren`t working out, make sure you`ve got everything else nailed down. Healthy diet, for example! Keep smile!!!!
1. Focus your mind on what is currently happening. It helps to focus on and isolate particular muscle groups to get the most out of each and every rep. Mindful meditation is usually practiced while sitting and remaining still. It is combination of deep breathing, relaxation and focused attetion on the present moment. It won`t be easy at first. But the brain is a muscle that can be trained just like any other.
2. Find your reason to get fit.
Motivation is the key to making any life change. Whether it is running a marathon or fitting into that little black dress, it is important to identify why it is you want to make a change.
3. Focus on you and you alone.
Be selfish Don`t listen to people who try to steer you off.
4. No matter what, never give up!
When thing need to be prioritized, fitness can sometimes take a back seat. It`s okay to miss a workout once in a while when something major comes up. But when you aren`t working out, make sure you`ve got everything else nailed down. Healthy diet, for example! Keep smile!!!!
Respect yourself, Respect your Job!
For example:
Today, you`ve done one great workout. You are full with power and positive vibes. Sweat a lot, good arranged workout, used your favorite music for motivation. Everything looks perfect.
3-4 hours later....
You opened the fridge and saw your favorite piece of cake or chocolate. What is your first thought?
"My workout was great i deserve it! Tomorrow i`m gonna make the same workout or better!"
And.... you are taken the all chocolate! :D
But tomorrow... you don`t know what will happen?! If you`re tired, if you have so many jobs, if you`re lazy?!
Every single day is different! Your abilities are different! Your brain power is diferent!
So, how can you make sure for your workout?
Oh, my friends! It`s 100% train and 100% eat! Remember that!
You /your body/ actually deserve much more than chocolate or pizza or.....whatever
Next time think a little bit more about it!
After great workout you deserve good food, rich of protein, fibres and carbohydrates.
Respect your sweat! Respect your motivation! Respect your goal!
Say Thank you for every day! Every day you`re step closer to achieve your goal! Do it rationally!
Today, you`ve done one great workout. You are full with power and positive vibes. Sweat a lot, good arranged workout, used your favorite music for motivation. Everything looks perfect.
3-4 hours later....
You opened the fridge and saw your favorite piece of cake or chocolate. What is your first thought?
"My workout was great i deserve it! Tomorrow i`m gonna make the same workout or better!"
And.... you are taken the all chocolate! :D
But tomorrow... you don`t know what will happen?! If you`re tired, if you have so many jobs, if you`re lazy?!
Every single day is different! Your abilities are different! Your brain power is diferent!
So, how can you make sure for your workout?
Oh, my friends! It`s 100% train and 100% eat! Remember that!
You /your body/ actually deserve much more than chocolate or pizza or.....whatever
Next time think a little bit more about it!
After great workout you deserve good food, rich of protein, fibres and carbohydrates.
Respect your sweat! Respect your motivation! Respect your goal!
Say Thank you for every day! Every day you`re step closer to achieve your goal! Do it rationally!
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Call to your PT! The best source of information!
Do you know? What is the most important and expensive thing?
The Information! Any? Of course, yes!
There are so many sources: internet, books, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines... Every single person is information! But how did you know, who is the right for you?
To be the information reliable, it has to be checked in minimum three independent sources.
Practically, You don`t have enough time.
Especially if you`re a beginner, you`re progress depends on your trainer. Your PT is a man, who has a big library of knowledge. He knows exactly which book is for you!
The best PT:
- keeps you well informed
- collect and arange the information
- inform you for new interesting things
- respect your time
- respect every single and small progress
- gives you homework and challenges
- keeps your mind open and your body strong
- update your diary
- respect your view
- keeps everything about you private
The Information! Any? Of course, yes!
There are so many sources: internet, books, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines... Every single person is information! But how did you know, who is the right for you?
To be the information reliable, it has to be checked in minimum three independent sources.
Practically, You don`t have enough time.
Especially if you`re a beginner, you`re progress depends on your trainer. Your PT is a man, who has a big library of knowledge. He knows exactly which book is for you!
The best PT:
- keeps you well informed
- collect and arange the information
- inform you for new interesting things
- respect your time
- respect every single and small progress
- gives you homework and challenges
- keeps your mind open and your body strong
- update your diary
- respect your view
- keeps everything about you private
My Sunday Morning
1,5 km run
10 Pull ups
10 leg raises
10 vertical jumps
20 abs crunch
10 burpees + pull ups
5/5 leg raises side to side
10 dips
20 abs crunch
10 dragon push up /static/
10 each bulgarian squat
10 leg raises
10 push ups + oblique
5 each side Dragon walk
5 push ups + oblique /X2/
1,5km run
10 Pull ups
10 leg raises
10 vertical jumps
20 abs crunch
10 burpees + pull ups
5/5 leg raises side to side
10 dips
20 abs crunch
10 dragon push up /static/
10 each bulgarian squat
10 leg raises
10 push ups + oblique
5 each side Dragon walk
5 push ups + oblique /X2/
1,5km run
Thursday, 22 September 2016
STORM in your MIND....Overthinking....My advice and WHY?
Fast life, fast relationships, busy days.....
The function of your mind is to analyze, invent and project. Imagine your mind is a computer. What will happen if you open too many programs?
Alt+Ctrl+Del :D
It`s the same with your mind. You can`t focus on quieting your mind with more thoughts.
So... Your Body is a GREAT Machine! It has a solution for everything!
" Go outside and do some training "
When you are moving, your brain recognizes this as a moment of stress. To protection, you release a proten called - Brain Derived Neutrophic Factor /BDNF/. He woks like a reset button.
At the same time, endorphines are released in your brain. Happy hormones.
It`s amazing, isn`t it?
You don`t have to look out for the next killer workout. Get some focused 20 min.
The function of your mind is to analyze, invent and project. Imagine your mind is a computer. What will happen if you open too many programs?
Alt+Ctrl+Del :D
It`s the same with your mind. You can`t focus on quieting your mind with more thoughts.
So... Your Body is a GREAT Machine! It has a solution for everything!
" Go outside and do some training "
When you are moving, your brain recognizes this as a moment of stress. To protection, you release a proten called - Brain Derived Neutrophic Factor /BDNF/. He woks like a reset button.
At the same time, endorphines are released in your brain. Happy hormones.
It`s amazing, isn`t it?
You don`t have to look out for the next killer workout. Get some focused 20 min.
If you are angry on your GF/BF, PUNISH them with this workout!!!!
" And remember the most important thing is......
.... To Have Fun ...."
Round 1 - FIGHT
10 - Spider Push Ups
15 - Push Ups
10 - Tricep Dips on parallel bars
15 - Tricep Dips with hands behind the back on the ground
... after 1 min rest period....
Round 2
15 - Squats
10 - Vertical Jumps
15 - Lunges
30 sec - Static Squat Position
... after 1 min rest period....
Round 3
10 - Hanging leg raises
5/5 - Hanging leg raises side to side /Oblique/
10 - Abdominal crunch /hold at the end position for 2sec and go back/
10sec HOLD Leg raises L-Position
This will protect you from unpleasant consequences!!!
.... To Have Fun ...."
Round 1 - FIGHT
10 - Spider Push Ups
15 - Push Ups
10 - Tricep Dips on parallel bars
15 - Tricep Dips with hands behind the back on the ground
... after 1 min rest period....
Round 2
15 - Squats
10 - Vertical Jumps
15 - Lunges
30 sec - Static Squat Position
... after 1 min rest period....
Round 3
10 - Hanging leg raises
5/5 - Hanging leg raises side to side /Oblique/
10 - Abdominal crunch /hold at the end position for 2sec and go back/
10sec HOLD Leg raises L-Position
This will protect you from unpleasant consequences!!!
Sunday, 18 September 2016
How To Make Exercise A Habit
We all know we have to move our bodies more. So many of the health
problems afflicting modern generations can be cured, or at least
alleviated, by eating better and exercising more.
We all have a friend or friends, who love their gym sessions! They are fit, happy and they make time for their healthy habits every single day! But for the most of people, it was something they had to stick with and create a habit! So, how do you create a habit out of something you don’t immediately enjoy?
Is it boring? Is it commitment? Why am i do it?
Just be as honest as possible!
We all have a friend or friends, who love their gym sessions! They are fit, happy and they make time for their healthy habits every single day! But for the most of people, it was something they had to stick with and create a habit! So, how do you create a habit out of something you don’t immediately enjoy?
First, identify what is standing in your way
You cannot solve a problem without first identify what is it. Start to ask yourself !Is it boring? Is it commitment? Why am i do it?
Just be as honest as possible!
Second, look into possible solutions.
Now that you’ve identified the barriers to your workouts, it is time to start finding solutions to those barriers. If you are concerned about the time commitment, the cost, the tediousness of it all, for example, try shifting your focus. Doing something as simple as taking a long walk after dinner could be a great start. It is moving your body, and it is free. Just commit to doing a little at a time. Nothing will change, if nothing changes. Some days you may not want to workout but if you remember that you always feel better after you do, you’ll be more likely to just do it. If you can remember those gains, you’ll be ahead of your own negative chatter. Let’s be honest, making exercise a habit may not be easy but you know it is the right thing.Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Take what you deserve! Get out of your comfort zone!
What is "Comfort zone" and why "She" is so important for everyone?
I`ll try to explane with my words in simple terms.
Imagine one little circle, and in the middle is You! This is your place, your movements, and your habbits. Everything in that circle is your comfort zone. Every step out of the circle is unusual for your body and nervous system, so... and the respons will be unusual. Is that make sense?
If you want to feel something new, you have to make the first step, or....
You prefer to jump :P : ))))))
I`ll try to explane with my words in simple terms.
Imagine one little circle, and in the middle is You! This is your place, your movements, and your habbits. Everything in that circle is your comfort zone. Every step out of the circle is unusual for your body and nervous system, so... and the respons will be unusual. Is that make sense?
If you want to feel something new, you have to make the first step, or....
You prefer to jump :P : ))))))
Do you want to stop the feeling of shame, because you are overweight ?
Are you feeling comfortable, if you train with a friend, who is the same size like you?!
-Oh, YES!
All of you will say that at the first second! But my point is at another place!
Ok! You`re feeling well with someone like you! My quetion is: What is the point?
If you train with someone, who is level over you, probably you`ll learn something! And you`ll make the next step of your journey!
My advice:
Set you Goal, write it down, find a way / PT, books, Internet/, forget about the people and just do it!
Get out of your comfort zone and I promise you, you`ll feeling better!
-Oh, YES!
All of you will say that at the first second! But my point is at another place!
Ok! You`re feeling well with someone like you! My quetion is: What is the point?
If you train with someone, who is level over you, probably you`ll learn something! And you`ll make the next step of your journey!
My advice:
Set you Goal, write it down, find a way / PT, books, Internet/, forget about the people and just do it!
Get out of your comfort zone and I promise you, you`ll feeling better!
Lets look at the main reasons of "Why I am overweight "
1. Medical problems.
2. Just eating too much.
The medical term "Obesitas" describes a person who`s very overweight, with a lot of body fat! The most used method to calculate body fat is called Body Mass Index /BMI/.
Bodyweight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared
BMI = x KG / (y M * y M), where X = bodyweightin kg, Y = height in m
This is the easiest way to calculate your body fat at home.
I`m giving you the BMI ranges:
18.5 > Underweight
18.6 - 24.9 Normal range
25 - 29.9 Overweight
30 - 34.9 Obese class 1
35 - 39.9 Obese class 2
40 < Obese class 3
Doesn`t matter, what is the reason, the best way to treat Obesitas is to eat healthy and exercise regulary.
If you are truly decide to change your lifestyle, my advice to you is your GP and PT to work together!
Why GP before PT?!
The Obesitas makes a lot of changes in and out of your body. The GP makes many biological tests, before a find the reason or reasons for your problem.
Now your PT can make the perfect program for you and to give you the best advice for your meal plan!
2. Just eating too much.
The medical term "Obesitas" describes a person who`s very overweight, with a lot of body fat! The most used method to calculate body fat is called Body Mass Index /BMI/.
Bodyweight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared
BMI = x KG / (y M * y M), where X = bodyweightin kg, Y = height in m
This is the easiest way to calculate your body fat at home.
I`m giving you the BMI ranges:
18.5 > Underweight
18.6 - 24.9 Normal range
25 - 29.9 Overweight
30 - 34.9 Obese class 1
35 - 39.9 Obese class 2
40 < Obese class 3
Doesn`t matter, what is the reason, the best way to treat Obesitas is to eat healthy and exercise regulary.
If you are truly decide to change your lifestyle, my advice to you is your GP and PT to work together!
Why GP before PT?!
The Obesitas makes a lot of changes in and out of your body. The GP makes many biological tests, before a find the reason or reasons for your problem.
Now your PT can make the perfect program for you and to give you the best advice for your meal plan!
Having trouble sticking to your diet and exercise plan?
Don’t worry – we all experience that from time to time. Even when you feel like giving up for good, you have to find the strength within to keep going so you can reach your goals.
Some people get so obsessed with numbers that they lose track of their actual progress. For example, if you’re building muscle while losing weight, you may not see a huge change on the scale. Your body, however, will shed inches as you tone and transform yourself for the better. Try not to weigh yourself too much – once a week tops.
Set Small Goals That Work Toward Big Goals
It’s hard to stay motivated when you feel overwhelmed with everything you have to do. Break your goals down into small increments that you can tackle every week, and you will soon see tremendous progress.Write Yourself Notes
This sounds like a silly thing to do, but it really works! Write motivational notes to leave in your lunch box, in your car, on your mirror, or anywhere else you’re liable to look. The notes can say things like “You go girl!” “Looking good!” or “Only one more bottle of water to go!”Don’t Weigh Yourself Too Often
Some people get so obsessed with numbers that they lose track of their actual progress. For example, if you’re building muscle while losing weight, you may not see a huge change on the scale. Your body, however, will shed inches as you tone and transform yourself for the better. Try not to weigh yourself too much – once a week tops.
Focus On Your Achievements
It’s good to be critical of yourself, but it’s also good to give yourself a pat on the back every once and a while. Be proud of the work that you’re doing and excited about the work you’re going to do later on. Continue to push through the obstacles until you have your dream body.Remember
The bad workout is the workout you`ve never done!!!https://www.facebook.com/GerytoPT/
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